Sunday, March 7, 2010

entertainment industry coach question 370: Is it fair for me to get a dog if I'm in the entertainment industry?

You're asking a dog lover so, here's what I'm going to say:
IF you are already working regularly, traveling all over the country/world where it is really impossible to bring a dog along, then no, it is not fair to get a dog.

However, IF you're still building your career, don't put your life on hold. No one knows what the future holds. Get a dog, get two, and when the time comes for you to travel for work, they'll have their routine and you will have people to take care of them.

My dogs, Barkley and Jake agree, giving this blog post 8 paws up!

For more tips and articles by top entertainment industry career coach, The Greenlight Coach, visit

Getting Jobs in Entertainment question 1280: I grew up in India and as a result English is my second language (cont'd)

"I grew up in India and as a result English is my second language. I  am looking to improve my comprehension when I read my text book...