The bottom line- Discipline! I know how you feel. I work from home and have no one to answer to. Some days there would be nothing better than to stay in bed and snuggle with my dogs BUT I made a choice to be an independent contractor JUST LIKE YOU. Therefore, I recognize I have to respect my business the same way I respected my work environment when I worked in the corporate world. When I had a boss to answer to, I had to be at work at a specific time, work for a specific number of hours, and give my all. Aren't those the same requirements of YOU when you're hired on project?
What you must realize, is when you're not on a specific project, you still have work. If you don't know what that work is, I'd be happy to coach you.
Here are some tips :
1. "Forced" motivation- schedule meetings/phone calls for 10 am (you can make it earlier, but hey, working for yourself has to have some perks right?)
2. Throw you hat over the fence- tell someone you respect you'll have something done by a specific date. That will force you to get out of bed and get to work.
3. I've said it before and I'll say it again- get yourself into an accountability group with people whose opinions of you matter.