1. Create relationships with the "new generation." Go into film schools and speak. Make yourself accessible as a mentor. The more new people who see you in this positive "light," the more people who will stand up for you if the older generation try to tarnish your name.
2. Volunteer to speak on panels and at Q & As. Partner with an equipment company and get out there and speak. Re-build your reputation as someone who gives back.
3. Invite studio decision makers out to lunch to discuss how you can help them. Some ideas may be to do a training on setiquette for crew members, or speaking on "how the crew can make the executives' jobs easier."
If you did, in fact, earn your reputation, it's important to address the "purple elephant" in the room. Tell them your new outlook and how and why you've changed. Remind them that with your level of talent mixed with your ability to lead, you want another chance to be a valuable part of their team.
For more tips and articles by top entertainment industry coach, the Greenlight Coach, visit www.theGreenlightCoachBlog.com