Sunday, September 20, 2009

question 202: How important is a cover letter?

A cover letter is extremely important because it's your first introduction to someone. I have a feeling this was asked because I brought it up in question 199, about making your resume stand out. So, to remind you of what I pointed out, a cover letter is best sent with a referral from someone. A name that your recipient recognizes, gets noticed.

A standard cover letter, will not stand out either. The point of a cover letter is to give the recipient some insight about you. Therefore, tell them:

1. Who you are

2. What you want

3. Why your special

4. How to reach you

5. How you plan to follow up

For more tips and articles by top entertainment industry career coach, The Greenlight Coach, visit

Getting Jobs in Entertainment question 1280: I grew up in India and as a result English is my second language (cont'd)

"I grew up in India and as a result English is my second language. I  am looking to improve my comprehension when I read my text book...