Update your contact list. Re-rate everyone 1-5 based on how well you know them. Then, re-establish relationships with all of your 2s and 3s. Set a goal for yourself to get those 2s and 3s up to 4s and 5s in the next six months.
The new year is a great time to re-establish relationships because it's the typical time that people make resolutions, one of them being "re-organizing their office." Get back in touch with people because while "re-organizing your office" you came across their card or an old call sheet.
What is it that Kim Kardashian said last week, "Little white lies don't hurt anyone." And if you're feeling to guilty, then it's a great excuse to re-organize your office.
For more tips and articles by top entertainment industry career coach, The Greenlight Coach, visit www.TheGreenlightCoachBlog.com