There are many reasons why someone "un-friends" you, other than their significant other no longer wants you writing on their wall or you're a stalker. I chose to answer this question today, because 4 TIMES this week, I've had people put their links on my personal wall without my permission.
The first three I un-friended immediately. The fourth, I wrote on her wall "my rules" if you will. She just became my friend so she hasn't seen my rants about Facebook Etiquette. Maybe she won't like my rules and un-friend me. But here's the deal people.
1. Quit the silly stuff (I've blocked these apps so I don't know if they're still current)but don't hit work colleagues with pillows, send them prayers, and offer to plant crap in their garden! I don't care about your Mafia Wars!!!!
3. DON'T POST your party pictures that make you look like a moron or a slut (even if you think you look hot in the picture). Now I post my pictures from Halloween or with heavy metal groups because people in the industry who like heavy metal, connect with me on that.
I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to save you from being UnFriended. I know you mean well, but people you don't know or barely know, who've just accepted your friendship DO NOT want to be solicited for work ESPECIALLY on their wall for everyone to see.
And to think, my questionee was just wondering who was de-friending him. Don't worry about who doesn't want to be your friend, focus on and nurture the friends you have by being respectful and professional.