Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Getting Jobs in Entertainment question 878: Any suggestions on Philly vs NY? cont'd...

I live in a small city outside of Philly, my plan was to work the Philly theatre/film scene for a while then possibly move to NY. Problem is the Philly market is very scarce right now, so I'm debating if I should just move to NY or wait till I can actually afford to move there? I have more connections in NY than i do in Philly. Any suggestions?

My suggestion is dependent on the connections you have in NY. Are these connection with people who can and will hire you if you move? If not, my suggestion is that you create a plan for a move. That plan should include a budget plan, (including how much money you need saved before making your move), a target list of people who can hire you whom you will take the time to create relationships with before you move to NY, and the research of entertainment industry networking organizations in NY. You can make the trip to NY once a month to network.

It is very expensive to live in NY and if you don't have a plan for survival, the stress will hurt you more than living there will help you. The good news is that relationships can be created from Philly by phone, SKYPE, and email.

For more tips and articles by top entertainment industry career coach, The Greenlight Coach,

Getting Jobs in Entertainment question 1280: I grew up in India and as a result English is my second language (cont'd)

"I grew up in India and as a result English is my second language. I  am looking to improve my comprehension when I read my text book...