Monday, March 16, 2009

Question 13: What do you do when you're calling people who talk about nothing but gloom and doom?

This question came up today, during my Greenlight Intensive Group meeting. My Intensifiers (as I lovingly call them), are seeing this time in our industry as an opportunity. Yet, everyone they call, complain about what's in the news and wind up sucking my "shooting stars" into their black holes.  

Don't get sucked into the black hole!  This is a time of opportunity for creating new and deepening old relationships.  If you are calling people who want to discuss politics, contracts, lack of work, runaway production, etc., discussions are okay. What's not okay is having to listen to a complainer.  To clarify, a person who wants to discuss any of the previously mentioned topics, will share what they've heard, their opinion, and/or their concerns and ask for yours.  The goal of the discussion is to find solutions.  A complainer is not looking for a solution; a complainer is looking for something to place blame on for the situation he/she is in.

If you find yourself on the phone with a complainer:
1. Share the positive things you've been doing 
2. Say up front that you don't want to discuss "the touchy subject" because you are optimistic and see this as a time to seize opportunities
3. Ask if he/she is interested in a solution, and if so, give them some ideas about what they can be doing with their time to stay positive.

What I've seen over and over again, are people who are in-between jobs, forcing themselves to suffer because they're not working.  Then, when they do get a job, they look back with terrible REGRET, wishing they had enjoyed that time.  One of the benefits of being a freelancer is the schedule.  Instead of choosing to be miserable when you're not working, choose to take the action necessary to get work and enjoy the remaining hours of the day.  You deserve it!  

For more articles and tips by the Greenlight Coach, visit

Question 12: With so many commitments, how do I manage my time?

I chose to answer this question today, because it's 1:30 am.  You see, I made a commitment to YOU, to answer a question per day, and guess what? For me, life showed up today.  I didn't have time to blog because of my other priorities.  Now, because this is a priority for me, I'm doing it before I go to bed, so I am in fact answering within "my day." 

I'm sharing this with you as an example of accountability and taking one small step.

You can manage your time by:
1. Making a list of what you WANT to accomplish 
2. Making a list of what you MUST accomplish
3. Prioritizing both lists 

Then # 4 is KEY:
4. Taking at least one action per day on that list

And # 5 will keep you emotionally stable:
5. Forgiving yourself if you can't

There will be days when I won't be able to post because life will happen, and I will choose to to de-prioritize this commitment because something or someone is more  important.  And that will be okay. I don't aim for perfection anymore. I aim for enjoying the journey.  There are other specific time management techniques that I will offer in this blog. For now I want YOU to practice enjoying your journey until it is no longer something you practice it is who YOU ARE. 

For more tips and articles by The Greenlight Coach, visit

Getting Jobs in Entertainment question 1280: I grew up in India and as a result English is my second language (cont'd)

"I grew up in India and as a result English is my second language. I  am looking to improve my comprehension when I read my text book...