Monday, September 28, 2009

question 210:What is the easiest job to get in the entertainment industry?

I can't really say there's an "easy" job to get in the entertainment industry. Even seemingly easy to get positions like a production assistant or gofer, are in great demand, and therefore quite competitive.

My clients hear me say over and over that while ours is a competitive industry, every industry is competitive if you want to make it to the top. So my question to you is do you have a strong passion for a particular area of the entertainment industry?

If so, find out what the entry level position is for that area and focus on getting that specific job.

If not, and you just know you want to be in the industry, research the different areas/department and narrow it down to 5-10 jobs that appeal to you. Then, if possible, have conversations with people in each area so you can narrow it down to an entry level position you'd like to pursue.

It's better to focus on a path that you choose rather than getting stuck on a career path that doesn't suit because you chose an "easy" way in.

For more tips and articles by top entertainment industry career coach, The Greenlight Coach, visit

question 209: You said something about a business card barrage at your speech. What were you talking about?

Ah yes, the "business card barrage." I was referring to the time at the end of an event or a Q &A, when the "guest(s) of honor" stays after to meet & greet. There is a large portion of the audience who hand the guest(s) their business card, sometimes without even a "hello."

It also happens at networking events, when certain people walk around the room and hand their card to every person, without an introduction. Now if someone was doing that with hundred dollar bills, it would be welcome. Business cards are another story. They are NOT a substitute for you. The purpose of a business card is so that a person can follow up with you AFTER you create a relationship. Handing someone a business card who doesn't know you serves no purpose. People have to know you, like you, and trust you before they'll hire you, so to hand them a card and walk away is like making a cold call, not to mention unprofessional.

Instead, focus on meeting a smaller number of people and spending time talking to them before exchanging cards.

for more tips and articles by top entertainment industry career coach, The Greenlight Coach, visit

Getting Jobs in Entertainment question 1280: I grew up in India and as a result English is my second language (cont'd)

"I grew up in India and as a result English is my second language. I  am looking to improve my comprehension when I read my text book...