Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Question 22: Are there any no-nos for staying in touch with people?

I'll re-word that question to be: My lists of DONT'S when staying in touch.

1. Don't call someone everyday.  This may seem obvious to you, but it's not to everyone.  So, if I help one person, not to make this mistake, my job is done. 

2. Don't forget to BCC when sending out a mass email about an accomplishment or an event! This mistake can get you blackballed. Seriously, privacy is a big deal in our industry.  Don't be the person who shares everyone's contact info. 

3. Don't call/email for no reason.  It's transparent. 

4. Don't be attached to your agenda.  If you call someone and he/she says that it's a bad time, get off the phone.  Don't say that you just need a minute or you just have a quick question.  It's never a minute and the answers are never quick. 

5. Don't send "good luck," "money angels," or any kind of emails that will make your business contacts feel like they are going to have bad luck forever or cause an angel to lose it's wings if they don't pass it on to 50 people they know within 15 minutes.

6. Don't forward a "warning" email about a guy who slashes peoples' feet from under SUVs, or sprays poison perfume, to your business contacts. In fact don't forward them to anyone without checking first on Most of these emails are fake.

7. Don't misspell names.  Just don't. 

These are all I can think of right now.  If you have any doozies to share, please feel free to put them in the comments.   

For more tips and articles by The Greenlight Coach, visit


Anonymous said...


TheGreenlightCoach said...

Oh, yes. That's a good one!

Jendra Jarnagin said...

Don't expect people to automatically remember you if you met once briefly if it was more than a few days ago. Tell me where we met and something to help me remember who you are.

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