Monday, March 16, 2009

Question 12: With so many commitments, how do I manage my time?

I chose to answer this question today, because it's 1:30 am.  You see, I made a commitment to YOU, to answer a question per day, and guess what? For me, life showed up today.  I didn't have time to blog because of my other priorities.  Now, because this is a priority for me, I'm doing it before I go to bed, so I am in fact answering within "my day." 

I'm sharing this with you as an example of accountability and taking one small step.

You can manage your time by:
1. Making a list of what you WANT to accomplish 
2. Making a list of what you MUST accomplish
3. Prioritizing both lists 

Then # 4 is KEY:
4. Taking at least one action per day on that list

And # 5 will keep you emotionally stable:
5. Forgiving yourself if you can't

There will be days when I won't be able to post because life will happen, and I will choose to to de-prioritize this commitment because something or someone is more  important.  And that will be okay. I don't aim for perfection anymore. I aim for enjoying the journey.  There are other specific time management techniques that I will offer in this blog. For now I want YOU to practice enjoying your journey until it is no longer something you practice it is who YOU ARE. 

For more tips and articles by The Greenlight Coach, visit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for staying up so late. This was a really good one! I needed to read it and look forward to the other time management stuff you'll be posting

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