Thursday, January 7, 2010

entertainment industry coach question 311: Is it appropriate to have your dog on set?

I sure hope so, because I have two camera hogs. One (the Saint Bernard)of which is leaning on my computer right now, hoping the little camera is on.

But, back to reality. Is it appropriate? I met Felicity Huffman's Bernese Mountain Dog, on the set of Sports Night. Of course she was the star. Every set is different, and let's face it, cute little pups can turn into major distractions.

If you're asking because you think it's inappropriate, unless you're in charge, probably best to focus on your job. If that's hard to do because the little love is peeing on your equipment, tell your direct supervisor.

If you're dayplaying or a guest star, don't risk it.

When in doubt, ask.

For more tips and articles by top entertainment industry career coach, The Greenlight Coach, visit

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