Tuesday, May 25, 2010

entertainment industry coach Question 447: I'm trying to get work on TV but people aren't returning my calls. What's wrong?

You're not necessarily doing anything wrong. This is the hiring season for television, so people are really busy. If you're leaving messages about being hired, they most likely "got the message," but if they don't have an opening for you, it can be uncomfortable to return a call where they have to tell you, "I don't have anything for you." And if you're not asking for work, you're just "touching base," you may not be a priority because they are trying to get hired or doing their hiring.

That said, be conscious of the messages you're leaving; your words, tonality, requests, etc.

For more tips and articles by top entertainment industry career coach, The Greenlight Coach, visitwww.TheGreenlightCoachBlog.com

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