Saturday, July 31, 2010
entertainment industry coach Question 514: How do kids/teens get acting jobs?
Friday, July 30, 2010
entertainment industry coach Question 513:Hi Coach, did you have anything to do with Project Greenlight?
entertainment industry coach Question 512: I have an idea for an episode of a show that I'd like to present to the producers, how?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
entertainment industry coach Question 511:How do I get my own cooking show?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
entertainment industry coach Question 510: Should a college student be in LA or stay in Vermont where there are no distractions?
To stay current on The Greenlight Coach's speaking engagements, recommendations, and work success articles, sign up for her free newsletter at the top of the page and get a great bonus 1-hour MP3 on creating powerful business partnerships when you do!
Monday, July 26, 2010
entertainment industry coach Question 509: How do I deal with producers changing their mind after I've been hired?
The question read: I was hired last week via a phone interview for a job. I got a call yesterday saying that the producers changed their mind and decided to go with someone with more credits than I have. I was a bit stunned. What is the best way to deal with a situation like that? I don't want to be like a deer in headlights nor do I want to be the person who screams their head off at them. Where is the middle ground in a situation like that?
Unfortunately, there's really no way to avoid the "stun." It's human to get excited about a job and then to have the rug pulled out from under you, is disarming. Your best road is always the high road. So, definitely stay clear of the screaming route. The middle ground is to see if there's a way to maintain the relationship. I know it can be hard when you're in the midst of getting an "emotional punch to the gut," BUT I have worked this road with many of my DPs who've had excellent interviews, didn't get the job, and maintained a relationship with the interviewers (producers, directors). This has led to a number of them either getting the second picture, or being brought in on the original picture they'd interviewed for when it didn't work out with the original hire.
You just never know where handling a situation with appreciation and grace can lead to.
Actions to take in this regard:
1. Tell them you're still thrilled that the project is a go and you'd love the opportunity to see how shooting is going (or be invited to a screening, etc).
2. Thank them, wish them the best, and let them know should their circumstances change, and they find themselves needing your assistance in the future, you are happy to jump back on board.
And just for your own sanity... keep a little notebook for all those names to whom you want to "unthank" during your Oscar acceptance speech :-)
To stay current on The Greenlight Coach's speaking engagements, recommendations, and work success articles, sign up for her free newsletter at the top of the page and get a great bonus 1-hour MP3 on creating powerful business partnerships when you do!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
entertainment industry coach Question 508: How do I reinvent myself?
As a long-time radio exec and current morning DJ who is trying to reinvent himself at Forty-(mumble) years old...I'm trying to get myself out there to direct episodic TV. Just finished a TV pilot I shot on my own dime that I want to get to the right folks. Have a number of good contacts, but still feel a little...unfocused. What's the best way to start accessing the resources out there.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
entertainment industry coach Question 507: Is it worth it to make my own film with my own money?
entertainment industry coach Question 506: Can someone who's worked in the industrial video world transition to tv & film?
Thursday, July 22, 2010
entertainment industry coach Question 505: I've been at this for 12 years. How long does it take?!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
entertainment industry coach Question 504:How would I go about researching agents of composers?
Getting Jobs in Entertainment question 1280: I grew up in India and as a result English is my second language (cont'd)
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I'll re-word that question to be: My lists of DONT'S when staying in touch. 1. Don't call someone everyday. This may seem obv...