Sunday, October 17, 2010

entertainment industry coach question 591:Things have changed so much in the last 10 years. How do I stay on top of it?

There was a little more to this question about how technology both for craft and networking are changing so quickly how does one know where to focus attention?

When it comes to buying equipment, it's all a gamble. Every time I buy a Mac they come out with a new update the next year. And yes, change is happening at a very quick pace and predicted to get quicker.

The way to stay on top of it, is to have mentors in high places. You want to be "in" with those who are "in the know."

You want to read all of the trades that have to do with your craft and stay on top of business trades as well to learn best practices and apply it our industry.

For more tips and articles by top entertainment industry career coach, The Greenlight Coach,

To stay current on The Greenlight Coach's speaking engagements, recommendations, and work success articles, sign up for her free newsletter at the top of the page and get a great bonus 1-hour MP3 on creating powerful business partnerships when you do!

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