Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Getting Jobs in Entertainment question 830: What do I do if I'm in a remote state like Montana to generate Union work if I'm not in the Union?

Depends on what union. SAG has different rules than IATSE, etc. You may be in a Catch 22 situation where you need union days to get into the union or enough non-union days (which are probably hard to accrue in a remote state). If you're trying to get Union work in Montana and are not in the Union, there are Union rules that may inhibit you from being hired, or it may be a right-to-work-state. You have to investigate. After working for a union for 12 years, I can tell you that unions want to help. If the state you're in is remote, maybe there's an opportunity to organize a group of experienced workers and strengthen a union.

If you live in a place like Montana, want to work Union and there isn't Union work in your area, you may want to seriously consider relocating.

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