Monday, May 18, 2009

Question 75: Why do your answers sometimes contradict themselves?

This is what I get for asking for something to sink my teeth into. Here goes...

While it may seem that my answers sometimes contradict themselves...
For example:
In one situation I inform you how to be extremely prepared
In another situation I suggest that you fly by the seat of your pants
... they, in fact, do not contradict each other because I'm speaking to different people. 

You see, there is no 1 correct way to do something. One person's obstacle may be a walk in the park for someone else. What someone needs to do early in his/her career is very different than someone who has a track record that can be turned into a marketing campaign.  

What's important is not focusing on the "contradictions" but instead figuring out which answers apply to you at this point in your career.  

For more tips and articles by top entertainment industry coach, The Greenlight Coach, visit 

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